Proem works with candidates all across Canada ranging from executives, managers, senior staff and entry level professionals in the fields of law, finance and accounting.

Our expert team will aim to find you the job and culture fit you deserve. At Proem our recruiting process enables clients to see beyond your resume and add a human touch to your job search. We get to know you as a person, assess your strengths, and make sure that you’re ready when the right job comes along.

Through our networking and years of experience we have the business relationships to get you the best opportunity. With the Proems’ commitment to standards of exceeding  your expectations you can rest assured knowing our team has your best interests in mind when trying to find you your dream job.

“As a recent graduate in Toronto area, it was an advantage to partner with a staffing expert and ally who understands your unique skills and needs. With their vast experience in the finance and accounting, Proem worked with companies of all sizes to locate and place me with a job that was the right fit. They invested the time to truly understand what I wanted to accomplish, and then did their best to find meaningful opportunities.”

Simon R.

Proem Professional


At Proem we respect your time and treat you professionally

We know you’re more than just a resume and at Proem we take the time to understand your career goals, skills and interests.

We offer flexible screening times so you don’t have to worry about taking time off of work to pursue another opportunity.

When we present a position, we’ll tell you more about the company what they’re really looking for, and what your real chances are. We’re honest and won’t waste your time and we’ll make sure you’ll well prepared for your interview with our client.


After we’ve placed we don’t stop there. We stay connected with you, to address any concerns you have and make sure everything is working out the way you wanted.

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